Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Updates coming!

New Features Coming to Canvas

Instructure will be updating and releasing new features tonight!  Groups will get a face-lift, quizzes will now be easier to use when configuring settings, the Gradebook will see some changes, Etherpad changes will make it easier to use, and the Rich Content Editor will see some minor updates as well.

Below are the release notes that describe the changes in detail.  You can also visit this Instructure site for the information!  Do you want to see this in action?  Check out Jordan's video for a demonstration.

Groups Redesign

To allow for a better user experience, we’ve redesigned the Groups page. The new design more closely aligns with the look and feel of other pages within Canvas. The sidebar has been removed to maximize the Groups view, and creating groups within a group set is more intuitive with the new Group and Group Set buttons. Each group has its own gear icon where you can not only edit and delete the group but also access the Group homepage. Functionality remains the same in that you can continue to drag and drop students within groups and collapse and expand the group lists.    

We’ve also improved the way Canvas can handle groups within large courses. Within the Unassigned Students menu, you can select the add icon next to a student’s name and move them to a specific group without having to drag and drop them into a group farther down the page.

Once a student is placed within a group, you can use the gear icon next to the student’s name to remove the student from that group or move the student to another group.

Quizzes Updates

We’ve updated the Quizzes interface for a more user-friendly experience; now you don’t have to guess which quiz options are related when they're expanded.

Let Students See the Correct Answers
When instructors allow students to see their quiz responses, they also have the option to let students see the correct answers, create a date range in the Show/Hide date fields, or display the answers indefinitely by not entering a Hide date.
Let Students See Their Quiz Responses After Their Last Attempt
If an instructor allows multiple attempts for a quiz and also allows students to see their quiz responses, an additional checkbox option will appear: Only After their Last Attempt. This checkbox means that the students will not be able to see their quiz responses until they have completed all of the attempts allotted to them.

Multiple Attempts, Quiz Responses after Last Attempt, and See Correct Answers
You can allow students to view their responses after their last attempt AND allow them to see their correct answers as long as there is no more than one allowed attempt.
Note: If you create this quiz combination with multiple attempts allowed, not all of your students may complete all of their quiz attempts and may not see their quiz results and correct answers.
For instance, if a student has three attempts but achieves their desired score in the second attempt, the student will most likely not complete the third (and last) attempt.  That means the quiz responses and correct answers will not appear because the last attempt was not completed. To allow these students to see their responses, you would have to manually change the quiz settings at a later time.

Calendar 2: Agenda View

At CCC, we are currently using Calendar 1, but I'll research moving to Calendar 2 and provide the information to those making the decision. 

Within Calendar 2, Canvas users can view their calendar events and assignments in Agenda View. Similar to the Syllabus, Agenda View lists all calendar items within a range of dates. Click the the date range on the menu toolbar to select a beginning date, and Canvas will display all subsequent events and assignments for every course you are enrolled in.
Calendar 2 also displays all courses in higher contrasting colors.

In the Month view, all calendar items match their associated calendar by color. Calendar Assignments are indicated by their respective icons: Discussion, Assignment, or Quiz. Calendar Events do not display an icon.

Gradebook Updates

Column Attributes
Instructors are now able to resize frozen columns like the student name column in Gradebook 2. Additionally, assignment column resizing is sticky and will remain set when your browser window is refreshed. Stickiness is browser-specific and resizing of frozen columns is not yet sticky but will be updated in a future release.  

Grades CSV and Test Student Placement
When downloading a CSV file from the Gradebook, instructors will always view the Test Student at the end of the spreadsheet.

This change mirrors functionality of the Test Student in Gradebook (as deployed in the Canvas 12/07 release), where the Test Student is always listed at the end of the user list.  
Keyboard Shortcut Keys
The Canvas Gradebook can now be navigated with keyboard shortcuts. Click the comma key to activate the display menu. This accessibility addition joins the shortcut functionality already found in Modules, Assignments, Discussion Threads, and other areas of Canvas.  

Account and Course Settings: Feature Options Tab

The Feature Options tab has been added to Account and Course Settings as the location for a major new feature called Feature Flags, the next great innovation in Canvas code. When features are made available by Customer Success Managers, they will appear in the Feature Options tab within Account Settings.
Starting in January 2014, most Canvas features that change a workflow process will be placed behind a feature flag. Admins can take control of these new features, both on the account and course level, and release them to their institution on their own timetable. If admins allow, instructors will have the option to activate course features on a course-by-course basis.
More details about Feature Flags will be available in our 1/18/14 beta notes.

Admin Tools: Logging Tab Drop-down Menu

Within Admin Tools, we’ve made a minor adjustment to the interface. When accessing a log, Canvas will ask you to select the log type you want to view from a drop-down menu.
After you select the log type, the log information will appear to generate the report, as per current functionality. This menu change was made to support additional log types without cluttering the Logging Tab. Additional log types will be made available in future releases.

Etherpad Update

Canvas has simplified the user experience when creating Etherpad collaborations. New collaboration documents open in a new browser tab and fill the entire window. To promote a cleaner interface, navigation is less intrusive with condensed menus.

Please note that the document URL has changed to reflect our new self-hosted version of Etherpad. Only new collaborations created on or after the 01/18/14 release will exist on the new hosting site. Existing collaborations will still be accessible on the current host provider, Titanpad.

Text Editor Update

Canvas' text editor tools have been updated to include an easier way to make superscripts and subscripts.  Previously, those functions were only available within the math (LaTeX) editor view.  Now they are included in the standard editing tools without switching views.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Issue for instructors with comments made in SpeedGrader when using Chrome

Hello Faculty,
I just wanted to make you aware of an issue with the SpeedGrader in Canvas.  I have heard reports of this issue at CCC.  Comments in SpeedGrader made on students’ papers may not display correctly for you when using Chrome.  Using Firefox seems to work fine.  Your students should not experience the issue.  Instructure is working to resolve this as quickly as possible.  

Please let me know if you have any questions

Justin Reynolds | eLearning
Coconino Community College 

On 11/19/13, 4:17 PM, "Canvas Support" wrote:

Canvas Bug Bulletin
Annotation display incorrectly in Chrome 31+

Hi Admins--

Annotations applied to documents via Crocodoc are displaying poorly in Chrome 31+. The problem appears on both Mac and PC, but it looks a little different on each:

We're working with our friends at Crocodoc on this issue. It's something they will need to fix on their side. We don't have an ETA to share yet, but we will keep you informed. Since this is not a Canvas issue, you don't need to submit further tickets to us about the problem--although you're certainly welcome to do so. :-)


Canvas Support
You are receiving this message because you're listed as a Canvas Admin for your institution and either you or your Account Manager requested that you be added to the Canvas Admin mailing list.

Our mailing address is:
6330 South 3000 East

Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Upcoming Learn CanvasLIVE! Sessions this November!

Instructure is hosting two informative training sessions.  See below for more information.  Use the links to register and participate remotely.  Feel free to come to the TLC if you're interested in participating with others as well.  As always, you can contact Justin - x4331 if you have any questions.

During the month of November, we'll be discussing the following topics -- JOIN US!!

Mobile Series: Submissions From the Student Point of View

Students and instructors who use Canvas Mobile Apps need to know how to move documents and media files from their mobile apps into Canvas for their assignment submissions. This session will address the four of the most common assignment workflows from the student's point of view so teachers can provide better instruction and assistance.
Facilitator: Allison Weiss, InstructureAudience: Instructors, Course DesignersLevel: IntroductorySessions:(HE) Thursday, 11/14/2013; 9:00 am MDT (Register)

Peering Inside Peer Reviews
Graded discussions and graded assignments can easily function as peer review assignments. Yay! Yet, ambiguity exists surrounding what you can and can't do with the peer review tool. Boo! These sessions will dive deeper into the peer review tool and shed some light into designing effective peer reviews in Canvas.

Facilitator: Jordan Dayton, Instructure
Audience: Instructors, Course Designers
Level: Intermediate
Sessions:(HE) Wednesday, 11/20/2013; 9:00 am MDT (Register)

More information is at their website:

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Free 12-month License for Adobe Presenter

Adobe is giving away 1 year licenses to their Presenter product.  You can use Presenter to create interactive videos and embed them in Canvas or use them in your classroom.  Watch the short promo video to learn more:

Contact Justin in the Teaching and eLearning Center if you'd like to learn more!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Release & Remember FTSE!

Hello again everyone,
It's that time again for another Canvas release.  Important to note in this Saturday's release are:

  • Grade one question at a time in quizzes!
  • Recording of Conferences!

Don't forget, FTSE enrollment verification is due in Web4/Banner.  I recorded this video to explain how to use Course Analytics in your Canvas course to find the last date of attendance for your students. (password is "elearning" without the quotes).

See the Canvas Guides on Analytics for more information about this tool. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Personal Learning Networks

Wondering about Personal Learning Networks?

image of personal learning network. gmail, skype, RSS, blogs, social networks, etc are depicted
While taking a MOOC called "Becoming a Dynamic Educator" instructor Savilla Banister provided us with an article about PLNs. Kate Klingensmith's article gives a terrific overview of PLNs and their benefit.  If you only have a couple of minutes, I highly recommend watching the video on her page. She also provides this great list of resources you can use to create a PLN for your students.  If you're like me, you were probably already using some of these tools individually, but not using them in conjunction with learning.
Build Your Own PLN
If you’re interested in expanding your PLN, here’s a directory of some of the best web 2.0 tools:
CategoryValueExamples and Guides
Social NetworkingKeeping up with personal, more social contacts like friends, family, and former studentsFacebookMyspace
MicrobloggingPopulated with educators from around the world who share best practices and resources in short burstsTwitterMy guide to TwitterPlurkUtterli
Professional ProfilesFind other professionals and experts in your fieldLinkedInBrightfuse
WikisCommunity-monitored sites that can function as websites or for group organization and projectsWikispacespbwiki,wetpaint
BlogsGreat sources of information such as classroom best practices as well as personal opinions; Blogs monitor the heartbeat of new trends in education and the commenting back and forth leads to many great ideas and relationshipsWordPress, (check out my ‘Blogroll’ to the right – they’re my favorites),BloggerTypepadAlltop – top blog headlines by subject, Technorati – a blog search engine
RSS ReaderRSS means “Real Simple Syndication” – an RSS reader is a tool that allows you to keep up with many of your favorite blogs, all in once place (see this video ‘RSS in Plain English’)Netvibes, (My Netvibes),PageFlakesGoogle Reader
NingsCommunities of people interested in similar topics, with forums and messagingClassroom 2.0Future of EducationNing
Social BookmarkingShare bookmarks with others, see what others are bookmarking; you can join groups and get email updates on new bookmarksDiigoDiigo Groups,Delicious
WebinarsLive, on-line presentations or conferences, with real-time chat, hosted by experts on specific topics; Great way to learn about new things and to meet new peopleClassroom 2.0 Live!,EdTechTalk Live,Elluminate – host your own!, Dim Dim
Backchanneling of conferencesWhen there are neat (and expensive) conferences that you can’t attend, follow conversations and links about the highlightsTwitter search – use acronyms like ‘NECC’ or ‘SXSWi’

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

POSTPONED! - A new release from Instructure will update the Quiz tool, the Inbox, and Group assignments!

Hello everyone,
Canvas postponed this release.  They are looking at customer feedback and making some changes to how the new Inbox works and how regarding will work.  Please read the comments to this post for more information.

A New Release this Saturday

In Quizzes, you'll now have the ability to regrade a quiz if you find a question is incorrect.  This allows you to put in the correct answer and decide if you want student grades updated for those students that have already taken the quiz.

The Inbox will also see a light refresh.  Filtering by course will now be easier with a drop-down menu, you'll be able to forward a message, and add a subject.  Not to worry, this is an opt-in change.  Click the question mark in the Inbox if you're interested in seeing it.

This week's release notes has more information or you can watch the video below.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How to Report a Problem in Canvas

If you encounter a problem while working in Canvas, let us know. The best way to report the problem is from the Help link in the top right yellow bar in Canvas. Information from the page where you encounter the problem is sent directly to Instructure for troubleshooting when you use the Help link in Canvas.

Once you've entered your problem report, feel free to contact eLearning or the Help Desk to discuss your problem in more detail. We will troubleshoot the issue and if need be, we will escalate it to Instructure. 

How to get help - from the CCC Faculty Resource Center in Canvas

Friday, August 23, 2013

Great news about the upcoming Saturday release!

Instructure has announced the next software release, and I'm pleased to announce that there will be no major changes for instructors or students!  The full release notes are on the Instructure site.

A small change affecting instructors who use groups and SpeedGrader:

SpeedGrader™ Groups View

Instructors can view one submission for group projects within SpeedGrader™ and assign all students within the group the same grade. This feature applies when instructors do not select the “assign grades individually” option while creating the group assignment. Instead of individual student names, the SpeedGrader drop-down menu will display the name of each group. Any comments made on the assignment are also sent to all students in the group.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Teaching with Technology Tuesdays

Want to incorporate new technologies into your classroom, engage and retain students, and expand your resume at the same time?  Join us for one or all of these sessions, which take place on Tuesdays from 2:30-3:30. Sessions will be hosted by members of eLearning, Information Technology Services and Training & Development, with faculty presenters.


Fall 2013 schedule

August 20th  – 12-1 Kickoff event Lone Tree Board Room
The new eLearning blog is unveiled, and an update on Canvas with some sample exemplary courses from our CCC faculty. 

September all sessions in rm 439
10th 2:30-3:30     Design Strategies for Canvas  
See examples from courses developed in Canvas, learn more about the Quality Matters rubric, and  some simple ways to engage students in the online environment.
24th2:30-3:30      Lecture Capture and Videos to Enhance Instruction
Learn about the options for lecture capture and video recording available at CCC, get tips on best practices, and see some examples of lecture capture in action in in-person and online courses.

October  all sessions in rm 439
8th 2:30-3:30       Hybrid/Blended Course Design Primer
What is a Hybrid course? What does Blended mean? Spend some time discussing these terms and hearing more about the benefits of blending or flipping your classroom, with examples of successful courses.
22nd 2:30-3:30     iPads, AppleTV, and Mobile Devices in the Classroom
Mobile devices can be used in many ways to engage students and enhance the classroom experience. See examples and get to experiment with some of these devices.
29th 2:30-3:30     Teaching and Learning with Smartboards
Come and experience the new Smartboards – interactive whiteboards that allow faculty and students to present, collaborate, and record content during the classroom session.

November all sessions in rm 439
12th 2:30-3:30     Social Networking as a Pedagogical Tool
We will show you some ways social networking tools are being used in higher education, and demonstrate how you can link to them using Canvas. Come ready to experiment and discuss with your colleagues.
26th 2:30-3:30     Google Docs 101
Google Docs is a free tool for building documents, spreadsheets, presentations, collaboration and more s. Come see how easy it is to use Google Docs in Canvas.

December all sessions in rm 439
10th 2:30-3:30     Multimedia Resources Best Practices
Videos, images and other multimedia resources can greatly enhance the student experience in your course. Hear more about our library resources and see some examples of how faculty are using multimedia.