The “Files” section of your course has been redesigned for a more improved user experience. The new files redesign allows you to view more details about your files, manage editing permissions, and preview files. In addition, Files is fully accessible for all keyboard users and screen readers.
Files is fully searchable by file name and offers quick access to add a folder or upload a file. The left panel shows all folders for quick navigation. Clicking the name of a folder displays all the contents of the folder in the right panel. For each file, users can view and sort files by name, the date the file was created and modified, the name of the person who modified the file (if modified by another user), and the size of the file. Files can also be published and unpublished within Files.
Additionally, Files is built with responsive design to adjust for browser scaling. The folder navigation window, file displays, and even file names adjust to the width of the browser window.
Files can be uploaded and previewed without the use of Flash. You can view a queue of uploaded files and their status. To upload a file, click the Upload button, or drag and drop a file from the computer desktop.
When a file is selected, Files displays the file toolbar at the top of the window. You can download the file, edit the file name, share the file, delete the file, and move the file to another location. You can also edit permissions for files, including setting the state of the file (published or unpublished), schedule availability dates for the files, or make files available to students who have the link. You can also download, rename, move, or delete a file using the Settings icon for each individual file. Users can select and manage multiple files at one time.
To move a file, you can also drag and drop the file into different file folders. Files will display the icon for the file type that is being moved.
To view a file, click the file name. Files can also be previewed by clicking anywhere on the file information and clicking the View button in the toolbar. Files displays any file type that is compatible with the document previewer in Canvas. The preview displays the file and file information details, as well as a link to download the file.