Friday, May 1, 2015

End of Semester Reminders

Greetings Faculty,

I hope your spring semester is wrapping up nicely. Here are some quick Canvas reminders for the end of the semester:

Current Spring Courses
  • Remember to give a 0 (zero) for any assignments/quizzes/etc. that students have missed.  If you do not, the students’ grades will be inaccurate.
  • Unmute any assignments that were previously muted. This will allow students to see those grades and it will include them in the final score they see.  See this guide for more information on muted assignments.

Summer/Fall Shells
  • Course shells for summer are ready! This guide will show you how to find your summer course shells.   
  • Fall course shells will become available during the summer session. If you would like to begin developing for fall before that time, please contact  We will be happy to build a sandbox shell so you can get started.
  • Students will be loaded into the summer shells the day before classes begin. Check your roster in Web4 for current registration information.

Preparing For The New Semester