Thursday, December 17, 2015

Faculty, Canvas created a new user interface and we would love for you to test it out and give us feedback! Take a look at the New Canvas UI here. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Stream IPad To Projector

Faculty! Have you ever wanted to stream content from your IPad through the projector? Well, now you can! Take a look at our documentation on the process.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fall 2015 Course Shells

Greetings Faculty,

We hope you're having a great summer! The eLearning department is happy to announce that Canvas course shells have arrived earlier than ever this year so you have as much time as possible to get that course content copied and ready for fall or start working on a brand new course design.

If you need help with Canvas check out our Resource Center for Faculty or contact the Teaching and Learning Center by phone at 928-226-4368, by email at, or drop by room 458 on the Lone Tree campus.

Keep an eye out for our "Start of Semester" email describing all the changes to Canvas and the TLC this summer.

Stay cool!

CCC Fall Courses Announcement Image

Don't forget to follow us on your social media of choice!
CCC eLearning on FacebookCCC eLearning on Google PlusCCC eLearning on Twitter

Monday, June 29, 2015

New Excuse an Assignment in Canvas

Instructure Released a new Canvas feature Saturday (6/27) and teachers now have the ability to excuse an assignment!

Excuse an Assignment
To excuse an assignment for a student, enter the value of ‘EX’ in the corresponding Gradebook cell. The Gradebook will reflect that the assignment is excused for the student. Excused assignments are not included in the calculation for a student’s total grade.

Students can also be excused from a Group Assignment; the other members of the group will still be able to view and submit the assignment.
Note: Currently, the Gradebook only accepts a standard Canvas-wide value of ‘EX’ for assignment exemptions. In phase two of this feature, instructors will be able to choose from a list of statuses for the excused assignment or for a graded assignment, such as late, missing, absent, etc.

When students have been excused from an assignment, they can view the excused status on the assignment submission page, or when they view the grades page. Students who are excused from an assignment will not be able to submit the assignment, though they can still view the assignment details. Excused-Submission-Assignment.png

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Differentiated Assignments by Individual

Have you ever needed to give a student a make-up test?
Have you ever needed to allow a student to turn in work early or late?

Well now you can!

Differentiated Assignments by Individual

In Assignments, Quizzes, and Graded Discussions instructors have the flexibility to differentiate assignments between individual students and select which students are required to complete specific tasks and when.  When creating or editing an assignment, instructors can specify whether the assignment should be for everyone in the course, for specific sections, or for individual students. Only the section(s) or student(s) specified in the assignment details can view the assignment. Varied due date functionality remains available for each assignment.


This feature can also be used with the existing ability to create an assignment by section. If the assignment is not created for everyone, Canvas will notify the assignment creator that course sections have not been added to the assignment.

In the Gradebook, assignment grade cells are grayed out for students who have not been included in the assignment. Assignments that are not assigned to a student are not factored into the student’s overall grades.

Monday, June 8, 2015

New Canvas File Browser

The “Files” section of your course has been redesigned for a more improved user experience. The new files redesign allows you to view more details about your files, manage editing permissions, and preview files. In addition, Files is fully accessible for all keyboard users and screen readers.
Files is fully searchable by file name and offers quick access to add a folder or upload a file. The left panel shows all folders for quick navigation. Clicking the name of a folder displays all the contents of the folder in the right panel. For each file, users can view and sort files by name, the date the file was created and modified, the name of the person who modified the file (if modified by another user), and the size of the file. Files can also be published and unpublished within Files.

Additionally, Files is built with responsive design to adjust for browser scaling. The folder navigation window, file displays, and even file names adjust to the width of the browser window. Files-Responsive-Design.pngFiles can be uploaded and previewed without the use of Flash. You can view a queue of uploaded files and their status. To upload a file, click the Upload button, or drag and drop a file from the computer desktop.
When a file is selected, Files displays the file toolbar at the top of the window. You can download the file, edit the file name, share the file, delete the file, and move the file to another location. You can also edit permissions for files, including setting the state of the file (published or unpublished), schedule availability dates for the files, or make files available to students who have the link. You can also download, rename, move, or delete a file using the Settings icon for each individual file. Users can select and manage multiple files at one time.

To move a file, you can also drag and drop the file into different file folders. Files will display the icon for the file type that is being moved. New-Files-Drag-and-Drop.pngTo view a file, click the file name. Files can also be previewed by clicking anywhere on the file information and clicking the View button in the toolbar. Files displays any file type that is compatible with the document previewer in Canvas. The preview displays the file and file information details, as well as a link to download the file.New-Files-Preview.png

Friday, May 1, 2015

End of Semester Reminders

Greetings Faculty,

I hope your spring semester is wrapping up nicely. Here are some quick Canvas reminders for the end of the semester:

Current Spring Courses
  • Remember to give a 0 (zero) for any assignments/quizzes/etc. that students have missed.  If you do not, the students’ grades will be inaccurate.
  • Unmute any assignments that were previously muted. This will allow students to see those grades and it will include them in the final score they see.  See this guide for more information on muted assignments.

Summer/Fall Shells
  • Course shells for summer are ready! This guide will show you how to find your summer course shells.   
  • Fall course shells will become available during the summer session. If you would like to begin developing for fall before that time, please contact  We will be happy to build a sandbox shell so you can get started.
  • Students will be loaded into the summer shells the day before classes begin. Check your roster in Web4 for current registration information.

Preparing For The New Semester

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Canvas Community 2.0!

Canvas Community 2.0 is here! 

It is still the go-to place to access how-to guides, videos, CanvasLIVE webinars, forums, feature discussions and much more.  With the new completely customizable community, there are limitless networking opportunities, and the ability to like, follow, or @mention other users.  Start getting acquainted with it today! 

Below is a short video preview, and you can read the FAQ's to learn more.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

EDD SP15 Canvas

At Employee Development Day, our Instructional Technology Specialist, Adam Williams, gives a two part presentation on frequently asked questions, and things you might not have known about Canvas.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hello CCC,
Starting March 16th, a new Canvas feature called Commons will become available. Commons is learning object repository that enables educators to find, import, and share resources. A digital library full of educational content, Commons allows Canvas users to share learning resources with other users as well as import learning resources into a Canvas course.  Watch the “Meet Canvas Commons” video for a brief overview.

What is possible in Commons?
  • Create a personal learning object repository.
  • Build a course from scratch with relevant materials shared by other Canvas users.
  • Create a name for yourself and Coconino Community College as a subject matter expert.

You will be able to find resources by searching for a specific keyword, author, institute, or title.

You can import a resource into a Canvas course.  Once the import is complete, you can start using and customizing your resource.

You will be able to share resources you create in Canvas with other Canvas users, with colleagues and groups, or only with yourself.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hello CCC Faculty and Students!

We would like to draw your attention to a change on the college's home page.
The link for you to access Canvas has been changed from "Online Courses" to "My Courses."  

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Check out some of the new features Canvas will be rolling out this weekend! The Quiz Log Auditing looks like a fantastic idea, we hope all of you will put these updates to good use.