Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hello CCC,
Starting March 16th, a new Canvas feature called Commons will become available. Commons is learning object repository that enables educators to find, import, and share resources. A digital library full of educational content, Commons allows Canvas users to share learning resources with other users as well as import learning resources into a Canvas course.  Watch the “Meet Canvas Commons” video for a brief overview.

What is possible in Commons?
  • Create a personal learning object repository.
  • Build a course from scratch with relevant materials shared by other Canvas users.
  • Create a name for yourself and Coconino Community College as a subject matter expert.

You will be able to find resources by searching for a specific keyword, author, institute, or title.

You can import a resource into a Canvas course.  Once the import is complete, you can start using and customizing your resource.

You will be able to share resources you create in Canvas with other Canvas users, with colleagues and groups, or only with yourself.

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